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I have compiled a list of system commands that I felt were frequent enough to mention. The list covers commands that you use to interact with the file system and network, use the vi/vim editor, and utilize screen to make life easier.
Through this guide, I use <input description> to designate user input. Also, do not forget that you can use relative and absolute paths to files, though this guide usually assums the files we will be acting on are in the same directory.
Keep in mind that most of the examples below pertain to files and directories in the current working directory (where you are currently at in the filesystem; pwd), but you can also prepend the following path techniques to a file or directory, given to as a command argument, to get to a file or directory somewhere else on the filesystem.
. | refers to current directory |
.. | refers to previous directory |
/path/to/specific/file_or_dir | absolute path to file/directory; relative to / |
../../path/to/file_or_dir | relative path; relative to current directory |
~/path/to/file_or_dir | file/directory relative to user's home directory |
ls | list files in current directory |
ls -a | list all files and hidden (dot) files in current directory |
ls -al | verbosely list files in current directory |
ls -lt | verbosely list files in current directory and sort by modification time |
cp <src_file> <dest_file> | Copy file src to dest |
mv <src_file> <dest_file> | Move file src to dest |
rm <file> | remove file |
ls <path to directory> | list files in a specific directory |
mkdir <dir_name> | make a directory named dir_name |
rm -r <dir_name> | remove an empty directory |
cp -R <src_dir> <dest_dir> | copy directory src_dir to dest_dir |
mv <source_dir> <dest_dir> | move directory src_dir to dest_dir |
mv <src_dir> <dest_dir> | Move file src to dst |
ping <hostname or IP> | Try to bounce an ICMP packet off of a host (and verify reply); Used to check if a specific host is up (supposing the host replies to ICMP requests) or check your own network connectivity. |
traceroute <host> | trace the route of a packet from your host to <hostname or IP> |
netstat | |
route | |
dig any <domain.tld> | query various DNS records from a DNS server; see man dig |
scp <file> <user>@<host>:~/path scp -r <directory> <user>@<host>:~/path |
securely copy a file to a destination via SSH securely copy a directory to a destination via SSH |
ssh <user>@<hostname or IP> | securely connect a terminal to a remote computer |
ifconfig | display network interface information |
wget http://domain.tld/path/file.tar.gz fetch http://domain.tld/path/file.tar.gz |
download a file from a host; note that http:// can be changed to various other protocols |
<command> > <output_file> | truncates output_file and overwrites it with of command | <command> >> <output_file> | appends output of command to output_file |
<command1> | <command2> | pipe the output of command1 to another command2 |
<command1> < <command2> | direct the output of command2 into command1 |
cd <directory> cd .. cd cd ~ cd ~<user> |
change current working directory to directory go back one directory change current working directory to your home directory change current working directory to your home directory change current working directory to user's home directory |
pwd | print the directory you are currently in |
tail <file_name> tail -n 50 <file_name> tail -f <file_name> |
print the last few lines of file_name print the last 50 lines of file_name print the last few lines of file_name and scroll changes if they occur |
head <file_name> head -n 50 <file_name> |
print the first few lines of file_name print the first 50 lines of file_name |
less <file_name> | print file_name and navigate though the "pages" of output |
tar -czf <filename.tar.gz> <directory> tar -xzf <filename.tar.gz> tar -xjf <filename.tar.bzip2> |
compress a single directory with tar and gzip into an archive
decompress a tar.gz archive decompress a tar.bzip2 archive |
su <user_name> | temporarily switch to the user user_name |
passwd <user_name> | change user_names's password |
adduser <adduser> | initialize the adduser script to easily add a new user |
write <user_name> or write <ttyname> | broadcast a custom message to a user that is logged in |
w who |
display tty/hostnames of logged in users display tty/login time/idle time/processes logged in users |
last last -n 50 |
view previous logins view the latest 50 previous logins |
top | verbosely display info about processes running and report various aspect of memory and CPU usage |
cat <file_name> | display the contents of a file |
du [w/ sort] | |
df -h | display disk space usage statistics |
man <command> | look up the manual for the command command |
exit | log the user off |
chmod 644 <file_name> chmod +x <file_name> chmod 755 <file_name> |
let other users have read access to file file_name make the file file_name executable make the file file_name executable |
chown <user> <file_name> chown <user>:<group> <file_name> chown -R <user> <directory_name> |
grant user ownership privileges to file_name grant user and group ownership privileges to file_name grant user ownership privileges to directory and all file whith-in |
chgrp <group> <file_name> chgrp -R <group> <directory_name> |
grant group ownership privileges to file_name grant group ownership privileges to directory and all file whith-in |
ln -s <source> ln -s <source> <destination> |
make a (symbolic) link to destination in current directory make a named (symbolic) link to destination |
stat <file or directory> | display verbose attributes and information about a file or directory |
uname -a uname -r |
verbose info about the type of operating system and kernel operating system release level |
stat <file or directory> | display verbose attributes and information about a file or directory |
mbox | pr0g | public_html |
file.txt | fail.core | other_file.c |
. | pr0g | mbox | file.txt | fail.core |
.. | .screenrc | .bashrc | public_html | other_file.c |
mbox | public_html | trash | file_copy.txt |
CTRL+C stops the process you are in if it constantly outputs or is taking forever!
CTRL+C stops the process you are in if it constantly outputs or is taking forever!
Most of the following things will work with vi, but note I am using vim during testing and in any examples. vim is vi-improved and is usually available on most systems! I will be using the two names interchangeably.
The vim editor is a editor that can be used in a terminal and, once learned, can be utilized to become an uber efficient and customizable editor for nearly any file! vim offers a plethora of features not covered here, but the following will get you doing basic tasks in no time at all.
First off, note that there are two modes (that we care about, atleast) that vim uses. command mode allows you use a large collection of built-in functions in the editor. These functions will either by typed in the vim command console or will be initiated by various key presses. insert mode allows you to input text as if you were in a normal editor.
When you open the editor, you will be automatically be in command mode. Press i to drop into insert mode and gain the ability to type text into the file. You can then hit ESC to get back into command mode.
screen allows you have multiple terminals within a single terminal window and is able to make each screen session persist after you close and exit the terminal. This allows you, for example, to logout of a shell and come back at a later time and have the ability to resume a previous screen session and be back where you left off when you originally left it!
screen can be customized a number of ways by editing ~/.screenrc. I will provide my personal ~/.screenrc, but read up on it to get ideas for further customizations!
I have provided my own .screenrc file that you are welcome to use. To use it, just get it in your home directory.
If wget is unavailable to you, try using fetch in its place.
^a then ' | present a list of all screens in session |
^a then [0-9] | switch to the nth screen in session |
^a then ^A | switch to previous screen or toggle 2 screens |
^a then A | create a name for the current screen |
^a then ^c | create a new screen and switch to it |
^a then C | clear the current screen |
^a then ^d | detach (remove) the current screen |
^a then ^n | switch to the next screen |
^a then ^p | switch to the previous screen |
^a then ^k | kill all screen sessions and exit |
I have put together a basic reference of chmod permissions. Enjoy!
For a more complete "guide" to little things like this, check out my full guide to using a shell.
Digit | R | W | X | Result |
0 | - | - | - | no access |
1 | - | - | x | execute |
2 | - | w | - | write |
3 | - | w | x | write & execute |
4 | r | - | - | read |
5 | r | - | x | read & execute |
6 | r | w | - | read & write |
7 | r | w | x | read, write, & execute |
R is read W is write X is execute
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