Originally posted on: 2008-03-03

Original location: http://blog.chrisheath.us/why-pownce-is-best/

Pownce is dead. RIP Pownce. Come over to FriendFeed. Why FriendFeed?

The following was the original post titled "Why I like Pownce".

So I signed up for an account at pownce back before they went public, but haven't really used it that much. Lately, though I have really come around to liking the idea of pownce. I don't see it as a challenge to myspace or facebook and sites like that, but more as a tool that does some of the same things, but also lets you and your friends really share more online.

So here's how i sum up the idea of pownce right now:
Social Messaging with File and Link Sharing, with Mobility.

Pownce is a social website where you can post text messages like short status updates, or as longer blog-like posts. You can send publicly to everyone who comes across your pownce page. You can also send privately to people you are friends with. The private messages can be sent individually, to all friends, or to sets of friends that you can choose to group together.

Each post can be text only, or have a 'payload' attached to it. And this is where pownce really gets good. The different payloads are link, file, and event. Each message can be sent as public or private as i mentioned above. The files that you can send are limited by a 10MB limit for the free version of pownce. If you subscribe you get to send up to 100MB with each message. That, however, costs $20 for a year, and while that doesn't sound like a lot of money, i'm just not sure i'm going to send files larger than 10MB, yet.

So that's the website, but there's a bit more to it as well. They also have desktop applications (windows and mac) for pownce, so you don't have to use your browser to pownce. I have used the mac version and it's pretty nice. That's not all though, there is a mobile phone version ( m.pownce.com ) that works with internet enabled phones like blackberry and iPhone.

so i'm over at pownce and haven't really done too much because none of my real friends are there. Please grab a pownce account and join me. And if you have any questions, they're probably answered in the FAQ.

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